Have you ever wondered if your campsite was as safe as it could be?
The following list is intended to help you know what you should watch
out for when trying to make a safe and enjoyable campsite. This list
can also be used for a game. Using the list a scout leader can setup
an unsafe
campsite and the scouts need to figure out what is wrong with it.
1. Camp stove fuel stored in water bottles or bottles not approved to
store fuel 2. Stove not on level surface 3. Stove fuel containers left open and not stored away 4. Very large pot on a small stove 5. Wrong fuel used for the type of stove being used 6. Unpurified water used for drinking 7. Food scraps left around cooking area 8. Perishable food left lying around 9. Non-perishable food packaging is torn or ripped. Food is spilling out
and not stored right 10. Broken glass containers not disposed of properly, left laying around
11. Bear bag is only a few feet off the ground against a tree 12. Dirty cook kit tossed around 13. Wash basins left with filthy water in them and dirty dishes left in
them 14. Trash throw at end of table not in a bag 15. Plastic bags thrown into fire 16. Cold water used to wash dishes and no soap and/or sanitizer is used
17. Rocks in the middle of the campsite that not part of fire ring 18. Dining fly set up wrong, could come down over kitchen or stove 19. Matches thrown in bag and left by fire 20. Tent stakes and other objects stuck in ground and being used to hold
down tent 21. Broken ax being used in ax yard 22. Knife with rusted blade used to prepare food 23. Cooking stove inside tent 24. Fire build over sandstone or other volatile rock 25. Old damaged cooler left open with food inside it 26. Only two wash basins used for cleanup 27. Candle in tent 28. Not enough fire buckets 29. Old bandages in first aid kit, expired medicine in first aid kit 30. Dishes flat on drying towel - no air circulation 31. Cooking stove to close to end of table 32. Fork in table 33. Cooking griddle lying on ground 34. Knife stuck in table 35. Sugar in tent 36. Dirty drinking cups on ground 37. Rope tossed on ground 38. Food tossed around campsite 39. Air mattress being used during winter campout 40. Cotton shirt using during winter campout 41. Tennis shoes used while at a winter campout 42. Spray can by the fire 43. Empty water jug thrown on side by fire 44. Ax yard directly under a low branch of a tree 45. Tent set up over a puddle 46. Lantern inside a tent 47. Ax lying in or on the ground 48. Saw with saw blade up uncovered leaning up against a tree 49. Food and drink in tent 50. Large fixed blade out of sheath thrown in tent 51. No first aid kit or parts of it spread out and missing 52. Fire not made in fire pit, made around flammable objects(dead grass,
twigs, things on ground that burn easily) 53. Tent to close to fire 54. Latrine to close to water 55. Fire wood thrown around campsite 56. Tent not set up correctly 57. Empty fire bucket by tent 58. Ax yard not roped off