
On Top of Old Smokey

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Song Lyrics:
1. On top of Old Smoky
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover
From courting too slow.

2. Now, courting is a pleasure
And parting is grief,
And a flase-hearted lover
Is worse than a thief.

3. Say, a thief will just rob you
And take what you have,
But a flase-hearted lover
Will lead you to the grave.

4. And the grave will decay you
And turn you to dust;
Not one boy in a hundred
A poor girl can trust.

5. They'll hug you and kiss you
And tell you more lies
Than the crossties on the railroad
Or stars in the sky.

6. So, caome all you young maidens
And listen to me,
Never place your affection
On a green willow tree.

7. For the leaves they will wither,
And the roots they will die,
ou'll all be forsaken
And never know why.

8. On top of Old Smoky
All covered with snow,
I lost my true lover
From courting too slow.


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