
Rattlin' Bog

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Song Lyrics:
Rare bog, a rattlin' bog, way down in the valley-o.
Rare bog, a rattlin' bog, way down in the valley-o.

And in that bog--
There was a tree--
A rare tree--
A rattlin' tree--
And the tree was in the bog, way down in the valley-o,


And on that tree-- br> There was a limb--
A rare limb--
A rattlin' limb--
And the limb was in the tree,
And the tree was in the bog, way down in the valley-o,


And on that limb--
There was a branch--
A rare branch--
A rattlin' branch--
And the branch was on the limb,
And the limb was in the tree,
And the tree was in the bog, way down in the valley-o,


(continue, using twig, nest, egg, bird, wing, feather, tick, hair)

Additional Info: Partial repeat after me


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