
Silly Songs

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A Ram Sam Sam
A Woman Stood by the Churchyard Wall
A Young Austrian
Adamms Family Grace
Are You Pink and Green
Arkla Wears Pajamas
Bananas, Coconuts and Grapes
Bless my underwear
Bottle of Pop
Bye Bye Long Johns
Cannibal King
Commercial Mix-up
Commercial Mixup
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Don't Dilly Dally on the Way
Dubi Du
Dummy Line
Fat Girl Guide
Fish Heads
Flea Fly (Mosquito)
From the top of the swing set
Ghost Chickens in the Sky
Ging Gang Gooli
Ging Gang Goolie
Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum
He Jumped Without a Parachute
Here comes the bride
Hey Lollee
Hole In My Bucket
Hole In the Sea
Honk, Honk, Rattle, Rattle
Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight - (Silly variant)
How Dry I Am (1)
How Dry I Am (2)
I Found a Million Dollar Baby
I Have Lost My Underwear
I know a song (that gets on everyone's nerves)
I Zick Zimba
I'll Sing You Jam O
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
Ira Congo
Itched Up
John Brown's Flivver
Lars Calling Time
Ma (He's Making Eyes at Me)
Magdalena Tagalena
Mairzy Doats
Merry-go Round
MM, MM, I'd Like to Linger
Mom, Wash My Underware
Mother - In - Law
My Body needs calmine lotion
My eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school
My Father's A Lavatory Cleaner
My Tall Silk Hat
National Embalming School
Nature Trail to Hell (In 3-D)
Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter Be
On Top of a Mountain
On Top of Old Smoky
One Bluebottle
One Man Went to Mow
Oooie - Gooie
Pink Pajamas
Rock My Soul
Scout Wetspers
She Died, She Did
She Left Me Standing on the mountain
Si Si Si
Skip's Got a Head Like a Ping Pong Ball
Skip's Song
Smelly Skunk
Soap and Towel
Suzannah Went A - Wading
Ten Green Bottles
Ten Sticks of Dynamite
The Beetles and the Bedbugs
The Chigger
The Dumb Dumb Song
The Grand Old Captain Kirk
This is the song that never ends
Underware, Underware
Washed Up
Where are you going to my pretty maid
Willies Underwear
Wizz Kings

Quote: Perhaps in His wisdom the Almighty is trying to show us that a leader may chart the way, may point out the road to lasting peace, but that many leaders and many peoples must do the building.
Eleanor Roosevelt